6F8FBEFD 60D0 4D4D B7E5 812C3C86AE1D Passion Talk with Malonga Mukoma Euloge

Euloge Malonga – Winner of the Swiss Culinary Cup 2019! Euloge is a talented Swiss chef with Congolese roots. A unique culinary fusion of European and African cuisine is the trademark of this highly rewarded chef.

rochini: Hello Euloge! We are a big fan of your cuisine and creations. What made you decide to find your passion in cooking?

Malonga Mukoma Euloge: My passion developed over time. I’ve always been hungry to learn and open to new ideas. I have had the honor of working with good and successful chefs. Over time you get infected with the virus.

rochini: What “message” do you want to convey with your creations?

Malonga Mukoma Euloge: With my plates and creations I try to display my inside against my outside.

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Malonga” Collection

rochini: Which rochini plates are the perfect match to your creations?

Malonga Mukoma Euloge: These are the “Malonga” plates. I am also very much in love with the “Landscape” plate.

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Lingerie” Collection

rochini: What is important to you when choosing the products that you use in your creations?

Malonga Mukoma Euloge: They should be fresh, seasonal and as good as possible regional. With my “Afro” creations, it’s sometimes a challenge to respect those values.

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Landscape” Collection

rochini: By chance we noticed that your last name “Malonga” means plate in your mother tongue (Lingala in the D. R. Congo). That’s why we created the “Malonga” collection together. What do you particularly like about this collection?

Malonga Mukoma Euloge: The earthy, natural and African “way” of creation. It reminds me of the plates my mother served me for dinner.

rochini: What are your goals for the future?

Malonga Mukoma Euloge: I have some open plans that are already underway. Let’s see what the love of God thinks about it.

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Mukoma Malonga Euloge with a Custom-Made Leather Apron.

rochini: Dear Euloge, thank you so much for this interesting passion talk! 

Follow Mukoma Malonga Euloge on Instagram: @malongaeuloge