img 3135 "Marrakesch   Pearl of the south"

Our new glass-collection “Marrakesch” –  a perfect addition to a unique occurrence – UNIQUE LIKE YOU !

The designs can be customized to any of our product shapes. Select the right design and color that best suits the interior decor and color scheme of the space where the dish will be placed. Then choose the right dish for you by shape, size and volume. We will tailor make the right tableware to best suit your needs.

glasteller 1 "Marrakesch   Pearl of the south"

glasteller 2 "Marrakesch   Pearl of the south"

glasteller 4 "Marrakesch   Pearl of the south"

glasteller 6 "Marrakesch   Pearl of the south"

glasteller 3 "Marrakesch   Pearl of the south"

glasteller 5 "Marrakesch   Pearl of the south"

              “Fascination as the raw material of rochini’s world of products”

                           bildschirmfoto 2015 07 20 um 08 59 38 "Marrakesch   Pearl of the south"

Medien Galerie



2 Rochini Press Table   The New York Times   ORF   BMW...                     “Rochini Press-Table”

At the rochini media table you can find information regarding the company, our products and services. Furthermore you can read exciting stories out of rochini’s world of uniqueness.


            “The rochini Foto- & Video Gallery”

prc3a4sentation1 Rochini Press Table   The New York Times   ORF   BMW...

          “rochini offers table culture for unique worlds of culinary delight”

bildschirmfoto 2015 07 20 um 08 59 38 Rochini Press Table   The New York Times   ORF   BMW...



okinawa 1 Grant Achatz   3 Star Michelinchef   ALINEA   Chicago meets Rochini finest tabletop...

ALINEA – Grant Achatz – Plate “Organic” –

okinawa 4 Grant Achatz   3 Star Michelinchef   ALINEA   Chicago meets Rochini finest tabletop...

okinawa 5 Grant Achatz   3 Star Michelinchef   ALINEA   Chicago meets Rochini finest tabletop...


okinawa 7 Grant Achatz   3 Star Michelinchef   ALINEA   Chicago meets Rochini finest tabletop...


okinawa 8 Grant Achatz   3 Star Michelinchef   ALINEA   Chicago meets Rochini finest tabletop...

  “rochini products are made for people who are looking for something unique”

                     …see how beautiful rochini is at our foto- and video gallery…

bildschirmfoto 2015 07 20 um 08 59 38 Grant Achatz   3 Star Michelinchef   ALINEA   Chicago meets Rochini finest tabletop...

123 Rochini finest tabletop accompanied Care´s Ethical Chef Days 2017 in Alta Badia

Kochen mit Bewusstsein

Care´s Ethical Chef Days vom 22. bis 25. Januar 2017

unbenannt 1 Rochini finest tabletop accompanied Care´s Ethical Chef Days 2017 in Alta Badia


30 Spitzenköche aus der ganzen Welt

unbenannt Rochini finest tabletop accompanied Care´s Ethical Chef Days 2017 in Alta Badia

Rochini Mediaclippings

logo rochini zusatz Rochini finest tabletop accompanied Care´s Ethical Chef Days 2017 in Alta Badia


(Presseaussendung, Salzburg, 27. Oktober 2015) Gleich zum Auftakt des dritten Salons lud rochini finest tabletop am vergangenen Wochenende gemeinsam mit den Veranstaltern der Messe „Die Gustav“ und „Chef’s Tables Bodensee“ zu einem hochkarätig besetzten Tafelgespräch in die Messe Dornbirn. Experten für die Themen Kulinarik, Genuss und Produktdesign diskutierten unter der Leitung des Journalisten Alexander Rabl über das Thema „Wie viel Ästhetik braucht die Spitzen-Kulinarik?“.

Tafelgespräch zur Ästhetik in der Spitzen-Kulinarik Wie über den Tellerrand hinaus Essen zum Genuss für alle Sinne wird….

Matthias Tesi Baur, Gründer der „World Gourmet Society“, Hannes Tiefenthaler, CEO rochini finest tabletop, Designerin Stefanie Hering, Hering Berlin und Koch-Visionär Roland Trettl  (Foto Sara Schmid)

%name Wie viel Ästhetik braucht die Spitzen Kulinarik?
Stefanie Hering – Hering Berlin  (Foto Sara Schmid)%name Wie viel Ästhetik braucht die Spitzen Kulinarik?

Das Gruppenfoto zeigt Moderator Alexander Rabl mit den GeprächsteilnehmerInnen und Wolfgang Ponier, Programm-Verantwortlichen der Chef’s tables Bodensee sowie Projektleiter Patrick Malang, Messe Dornbirn (Foto Sara Schmid)

%name Wie viel Ästhetik braucht die Spitzen Kulinarik?

Designerin Stefanie Hering, Koch-Visionär Roland Trettl, Gourmetkritiker und Journalist Kurt Bracharz  (Foto Sara Schmid)

%name Wie viel Ästhetik braucht die Spitzen Kulinarik?

Moderator – Alexander Rabl (Foto Sara Schmid)

%name Wie viel Ästhetik braucht die Spitzen Kulinarik?

Pressetext – rochini press table –            (Foto Sara Schmid)

Welcome  „double-collection

Our products are innovative and unique created by a talented designer from Austria. Our range of double-walled glassware is made out of borosilicate and a must have for the modern restaurateur, guaranteeing a professional presentation of both, elegant culinary creations and any type of beverage.

“rochini offers table culture for unique worlds of culinary delight”

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%name DOUBLE

Nowadays, design is more than just making ideas visible. It is an opportunity to stand out and to endow the product with an independent character. Taylor-made conceptual solutions for your tabletop as the key to success.  Rochini offers table culture for unique worlds of culinary delight.

“Port Collection”

%name ....Fascination rochini....

“Organic”  –  Every item is timeless, inspired by sculpture and art, each piece is deliberately irregular and therfore unique in their colours.

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Salt and Alabast Light – high qualitiy made in Sahara Dessert:

%name ....Fascination rochini....

“Oriental”  Snakeskin glaze – made in ceramic artcraft.

%name ....Fascination rochini....

“Oriental”    Titanium plates and bowls – made in ceramic artcraft.

%name ....Fascination rochini.... “Oriental”    Titanium plates and bowls – made in ceramic artcraft.%name ....Fascination rochini....

Rochini offers table culture for unique worlds of culinary delight. Welcome to the unique world of Rochini finest tabletop –

“BIKINI”  the worldwide first plate in carbon

Mehr dazu unter rochini media clippings  –

%name Dem Genuss zu Diensten   Hotel & Touristik

unbenannt9 Dem Genuss zu Diensten   Hotel & Touristik

%name The essence of the table   Hering Berlin

Hering Berlin steht für erlesene Eleganz und eine klare moderne Formensprache in Porzellan. Die unverwechselbare sinnliche Anmutung von mattem Biskuitporzellan mit zarter Transparenz und Struktur sind zum Markenzeichen der Manufaktur geworden.

Purismus und Poesie. Verbinden Sie Tischkultur und Luxus mit purer Schönheit!

Hering Berlin stands for exquisite elegance and clear modern design of porcelain. The destinctive sensuous impression of matt biscuit porcelain with delicate tranparency and texture have become a distinctive feature of this manufactory. Purism and poetry. Combine fine tablewear and luxury with pure beauty!